
Showing posts from January, 2022

Group Blog

I am going to work by myself in this final task because I want to make my ideas become reality with nobody in my group who can oppose them and try to come up with their own. I also wanted to work alone because I don't want my friends to hold me back and make me procrastinate like I did in the last 2 projects so for this one I'll make sure to do everything on time and well written.

Intro Blog

 Hi, My name is Leandro Cruz, I am a Fort Lauderdale High School student in my senior year of high school and I am so excited to be in this class. Over the last 5 months I have been learning so much about filming and how movies are made by the step by step processes of making it. I am excited to start the final task for my Media Studies class because I have a chance to show off my skills in movie making and show what I've learned. My last 2 assignments helped me learn about the hardships when it comes to film making and I hope this one goes smoothly as I learn more in the process and polish my skills in movie making.